Thursday, November 19, 2015

Project Update One

Good morning designers---

By now you have received an email with your partner announcement.  It is up to you to eggschange details with your partner class and arrange an opening viewing on videoconference via Skype or Google Hangout.  Please don't miss out on this part of the project.  The fun of opening the boxes LIVE allows students the chance to see how their prototype faired in the delivery process, and leads to powerful discussions about successes, failures, and the design process.

Here is a Google Slide deck that I am using with the project in our classes.  You are welcome to use, make a copy and modify, or just read over for ideas.

The Great Egg-gineering Project

Just to be sure that everyone has "checked in" could you please visit the partner doc and highlight your names if you and your partner have eggs-changed information? Thank you!

Krissy Venosdale

Monday, November 9, 2015

Welcome to our project!

The Egg-gineering project is a global project involving 50 classrooms who will eggs-change boxes and open their packages live on a video-conference (Skype or Google Hangout).  The goals of the project are 1.) Teamwork  2.) Problem Solving 3.) Creativity 4.) Connections and 5.) FUN!

Materials List: 

1 Shoebox per team for shipment.
Papertowels to create a thin layer on the inside of the box.
Saran Wrap and Brown Paper to wrap each box with a double layer for shipment.

Building Materials (per team):
15 straws
100 cm of masking tape
5 rubberbands
3 sheets of copy paper
5 popsicle sticks (large or small)

1 egg in a small ziploc baggie (Not for protection, but just in case!)

Please ship by Thanksgiving 2015 and work with your partner class to arrange a videoconference.  We'd love for your class to write a blog post about your project on this blog.  Check your email for more details of where to report data through Google Docs!

*For added fun, you can ask your class to determine the total cost of building their box with this pricelist per item. (Imaginary money only please. )  Let's find out how cost effects results!

    Image result for piggy bank
  • Straws: $3
  • Masking Tape: $1 per cm
  • String: $5 per meter
  • Rubberband: $4 each
  • Copy Paper: $2 per sheet
  • Popsicle Stick: $1 each