Monday, November 9, 2015

Welcome to our project!

The Egg-gineering project is a global project involving 50 classrooms who will eggs-change boxes and open their packages live on a video-conference (Skype or Google Hangout).  The goals of the project are 1.) Teamwork  2.) Problem Solving 3.) Creativity 4.) Connections and 5.) FUN!

Materials List: 

1 Shoebox per team for shipment.
Papertowels to create a thin layer on the inside of the box.
Saran Wrap and Brown Paper to wrap each box with a double layer for shipment.

Building Materials (per team):
15 straws
100 cm of masking tape
5 rubberbands
3 sheets of copy paper
5 popsicle sticks (large or small)

1 egg in a small ziploc baggie (Not for protection, but just in case!)

Please ship by Thanksgiving 2015 and work with your partner class to arrange a videoconference.  We'd love for your class to write a blog post about your project on this blog.  Check your email for more details of where to report data through Google Docs!

*For added fun, you can ask your class to determine the total cost of building their box with this pricelist per item. (Imaginary money only please. )  Let's find out how cost effects results!

    Image result for piggy bank
  • Straws: $3
  • Masking Tape: $1 per cm
  • String: $5 per meter
  • Rubberband: $4 each
  • Copy Paper: $2 per sheet
  • Popsicle Stick: $1 each


  1. So eggcited!! From Mrs. Schoenberger's 4th and 5th Grade Class in Medford, NJ

    1. How can I upload a PPT of our experience? We had the wonderful chance to connect with 2 elementary schools and would like to share?

      Sharon Seaton
      Black Butte HS
      Rock Springs Wy
